France Postcode There are more than 52,000 France Postcode in this website, including Admin Area, Admin Code, Place, Postcode, Latitude, Longitude etc. plus with online map.
France Postcode format consists of five numerical digits.In general, the first two digits representing the departement in which the city is located, the last three digits represent a more precise location.
France-image: France

Envelope Example
France Envelope Example
Address Format

Monsieur Jean DURAND (addressee)
25 RUE DES FLEURS (street number and name)
33500 LIBOURNE (postcode + locality)

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What's My Postal Code? How to find the Postal Code at my current location?

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Administrative Region
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Please browse postcode by Postcode . You can click the Postcode links to get the Latitude, Longitude, Envelope Example.